Starting and running a business comes with piles of paperwork to get and stay compliant. With all the rules governing LLCs and corporations, sometimes business owners can go years before realizing they accidentally missed something, or have been violating the law the entire time!
Join ABL lawyer Galia Aharoni to learn more about the legal requirements for starting and running a corporation or LLC, including statements of information, holding meetings, keeping minutes, and maintaining proper corporate records. We’ll also be talking about what could happen to you and your business if you don’t comply, so bring those questions and concerns on down!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Doors open at 5:30p; discussion begins at 6:00p.
The Port Workspaces
101 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607
Someone will be at the door to check you in.
Purchase your Advance Ticket today and save $5!