A life preserver thrown into a lake in Gothenburg, Sweden. Photo by Lukas Juhas on Unsplash

Property & Casualty Insurance Issues in the Age of Coronavirus Webinar (Free)

Property & Casualty Insurance Issues in the Age of Coronavirus Webinar
Wednesday, July 8, 2020, Noon PDT
Free with registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MREhhq6BQ2Gnheo9hAydaA

Or join us on Facebook live!

Join David Forsyth of UIB Insurance & Galia Schmidt, ABL Founding Partner for a live discussion exploring current challenges in the property and casualty marketplace due to the global pandemic. We will discuss evolving market conditions, along with exploring potential solutions.

During this 45-minute webinar, David will cover:

  • -Impacts of COVID-19 on the insurance industry
  • -Current market trends & implications
  • -Strategies for navigating a hardening market

The webinar link will be sent to you upon registration.

Questions? Problems? Please email juliet@aharonibusinesslaw.com.


Photo of a life preserver ring thrown into a lake in Gothenburg, Sweden by Lukas Juhas on Unsplash